Night Owl 14
Night Owl (NOPV-14)(Night Owl Publishing)(1994).ISO
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Text File
23 lines
╔═[ Night Owl's v13 Directories ]═══════════════════════════════════════════╗
║ 1 Alt. Operating Systems 21 Game Scenery 41 Personal Appl. ║
║ 2 ASP Member Submissions 22 Game Utilities 42 Printer ║
║ 3 BBS - Doors 23 Game - DOOM Add-ons 43 Productivity ║
║ 4 BBS - PCBoard PPEs 24 Genealogy 44 PROG - ASM, 'C' ║
║ 5 BBS - Pgm & Util 25 GRPH - Images/Anim. 45 PROG - BASIC,QB,VB ║
║ 6 Business / Finance 26 GRPH - Pgm/Util/Misc 46 PROG - Pascal, TP ║
║ 7 Communications 27 HAM / SWL / Scanner 47 PROG - Pgm/Utl/Misc║
║ 8 Databasee / Spreadsheet 28 Hard Disk / CD-ROM 48 Religious ║
║ 9 Demo Programs 29 Health & Medicine 49 Screen & Video ║
║ 10 DTP / Clipart / CAD 30 Home Computing 50 Sound Pgm & Files ║
║ 11 DOS & System Related 31 Info / Text / FAQ 51 Text Processing ║
║ 12 Education 32 Magazine / Books 52 Virus Detection ║
║ 13 E-Mail 33 Math / Sci. / Eng. 53 Windows: A - I ║
║ 14 File Compression 34 Menus and Shells 54 Windows: J - S ║
║ 15 File Processing 35 Misc. and Leftovers 55 Windows: T - Z ║
║ 16 Floppy Disk / Tape 36 Modem / Comm. Port 56 Windows: Games ║
║ 17 Fonts 37 Network / LAN 57 Windows/NT ║
║ 18 Food / Nutrition 38 Offline Mail 58 Word Processing ║
║ 19 Games & Recreation 39 OS/2: A - M 59 KBBS Software ║
║ 20 Game Cheats/Hints/etc. 40 OS/2: N - Z 60 Wildcat V4.x Utils ║